Monday, October 30, 2006

The global if it is an actual entity...

The other day, listening to an economic report, the reporter was talking about the 'global economy' in such a way that one would think it was an actual entity--like a Fred or a porcupine. The more I thought about this--the more I realized how trapped we all are in this delusion that the 'global economy' is actually a real thing. As a result, we 'serve' it as if it is our master. Really stop and think about this for a moment, 'global economy' is only a concept not an actual entity that any one person or institution is in charge of or in control of at all. But when we hear someone talk about the global economy we attach to it a significance or a reality that is unjustified.

Then today (Oct 30), all the news channels were reporting a story that the impact of global warming could devastate the 'global economy'. With oceans rising, flooding increasing, droughts in previously fertile areas, etc., these reports were tying global warming to the global economy. The reports stated that global warming could have the same economic devastation as the impact of two world wars and the 1929 depression rolled into one on the global economy. And everyone shutters and panics! Oh no, where will the money be!!!!

The reason everyone shutters is because we're currently operating under the modern economic paradigm that says money represents value. According to this paradigm, the more money one has, the more things of value one can buy, leading to greater well-being. So, today's report of a devastated global economy is about the 'money'/value crashing. As 'money/value' stops flowing, everything is going to be awful. Without money we can't 'buy' things of value and our well-being isn't possible.

And if the modern economic paradigm was the only option--they would be right, it will be awful! But the good news is that the modern economic paradigm is not the only option. The parallel for Life Puzzle makers is the realization that while 90% of the world operates on the 0-5 reactive/unconscious/victim side of the Choosing Continuum--Life Puzzle-makers know there's the 6-10 choice--proactive/conscious/empowered side of the Choosing Continuum. Once you shift into 6-10, you realize it was there all along!

The same is true for us as we look at a world attached to the current modern economic paradigm. This is the 0-5 choice--and while it is all around us, it isn't the only choice. There is a 6-10 choice available for all of us-- it is the post-modern economic paradigm.

A post-modern economic paradigm is not based on the paradigm of money represents value. The post-modern economic paradigm values our physical well-being, mental and emotional health, social relationships, ability to meet our basic needs and needs of those we care about, our connection to the natural environment around us and our need for spiritual meaning. In other words, the post-modern economic paradigm values LIFE, not money.

While global warming will have tremendous impact on the "money" world, it doesn't mean that LIFE won't go on. We will need to determine though whether or not we keep our selves stuck to the old paradigm of money = value, thus, lack of money means lack of value. OR, will be wake up to see that we could create a whole new paradigm that values LIFE--returning to our communities, taking care of our lives, our families, our local earth and building an economy that supports LIFE.

The post modern economic paradigm, like the 6-10 in Life Puzzle making has always been available for us and the world to choose. We just couldn't see it in the blindness of the traditional path. But as many Life Puzzle makers have said to me when they learn to see the 16 core areas, 5 edges that create the SELF in the Life Puzzle--wow, there it was right in front of me and I couldn't see it! Now that I do, what could be more obvious.

I believe we are on the threshold of doing the same thing with the global economy. Yes, the reports of economic devastation (old model) are possible--but as we begin to explore and realize the possibility in the 6-10 post modern economic paradigm (new model), we'll realize that 'wow, it was right in front of us and we couldn't see it...but now that we do, what could be more obvious!

So, take heart, stay positive, keep building your Life Puzzle and reach out to the community and show others! As you move into the 6-10, proactive/conscious design of building a whole and dynamic life--know that if we were all 6-10 Life Puzzle makers, we would transform the current economic system in a post modern, whole system economy too! And then the dread the world has on hearing that the 'global economy' is going to be devastated will no longer be necessary!

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